How can I ensure my New Image order will be collected in my specified date range?
There are several factors to take into consideration to optimize you New Image capture:
- Tasking Window - The longer the tasking window, the higher the likelihood of a successful capture.
- Weather Conditions - When capturing optical imagery, weather plays a significant role. Less cloudy days allow for a higher chance of a successful capture. If the capture timeframe is more important than the cloudiness of the image, you can also increase the level of permitted cloudiness by clicking "more options" during the ordering process.
- Sensor Type - Although the resulting image is black and white, selecting a SAR sensor can significantly increase the likelihood of a successful capture, regardless of weather conditions, since it is capable of seeing through clouds.
- High Priority - If your image capture is time-sensitive or critical, you can select high priority option when placing your order to increase the likelihood that your specific task will not be confined to operator constraints.