How can I view my image?
Images will arrive via an email from and can also be viewed and downloaded on the Android app or desktop browser. Delivered images are PNG files with an additional zip file containing the PNG, metadata, and a TIFF file. You can view PNG files in any photo viewing or editing application, including Windows Photo Viewer, Photos, Preview, Adobe®Photoshop®, or even your browser. If you would like to open your TIFF file, there is a free application called QGIS which you can download here, however, if you do not intend to do technical geospatial work, you will likely not need to do so.
Opening TIFF files using photo viewing or editing software may make the image appear darker than the PNG. As such, if you are experiencing issues with the TIFF file through an application, it may be due to the processing of that file being intended for geospatial software, and you may see more success with the PNG.